Is Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Necessary?

Is Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Necessary?
Is Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Necessary?
August 26th, 2020

Irrespective of what profession you fall under and where you work, there are chances you may get injured or develop an illness while doing your job. These injuries or diseases can be serious, life-altering, and can lead to disabilities. Although the rate of workplace injuries has been on a decline for the past 15 years, 2.8 out of 100 full-time workers still suffered from injuries at work in 2019. You are or may find yourself in a situation where you get injured due to circumstances out of your control. The one question that is most likely to pop up in your mind is – “Do I need a workers’ compensation attorney?” This blog is all about helping you figure out the answer to that question. Let’s consider when hiring a workers’ compensation attorney is necessary and when it’s not.

When Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Isn’t Necessary?

You can handle your workers’ compensation claim on your own if your case fulfills all the following conditions:

  • You suffered a minor injury such as a twisted ankle or a flesh wound that required a couple of stitches and did not require long-term treatment or surgery.
  • The injury caused you to miss less than one week or no time at work
  • Your employer and their insurer admits the injury happened at work
  • You don’t have a pre-existing condition that can become a cause of contention. For instance, you already suffered from a back injury due to a car accident or some other mishap and ended up injuring your back again at the workplace.
  • You do not develop permanent restrictions due to the workplace injury

Situations That Call for Workers’ Compensation Attorney’s Assistance

If your workers’ compensation case is not straightforward, you should immediately contact a workers’ compensation lawyer. Here are a few complexities that can arise:

Your Employer Denies Your Claim or Delays Paying the Compensation

Employers and their insurers routinely deny solid claims and often turn a deaf ear to workers’ compensation complaints. The attitude stems from the lack of appeals that employees make against such practices. A majority of the employees fail to appeal, fearing the cost they would incur when hiring an attorney. But this perception is completely wrong as hiring a workers’ compensation attorney in the initial stages of the lawsuit will significantly boost your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve outweighing the costs it comes with.

The Compensation You Receive Fails to Cover Your Bills and Lost Wages

Insurance companies try and push for early settlements of workers’ compensation claims. They do this to close the claim and avoid paying any forthcoming medical expenses that you may have to bear. In most cases, the first offer for settlements hardly covers the medical bills and the lost time at work. Although a judge usually presides over the settlement of these claims, they will sign off on any settlement that is not grossly unfair. It’s up to you to evaluate whether the compensation being offered is enough. It is always advisable to consult a lawyer to get the best possible settlement.

Your Employer Threatens to Retaliate against You If You File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

In most states across the United States, it is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee filing for workers’ compensation claims. Unfortunately, despite it being against the law, the practice of threatening employees is prevalent. If you are being threatened or terminated for filing a workers’ compensation claim, you should contact an attorney immediately.

The Workplace Injury Restricts Your Performance at Work or Becomes a Cause of Disability

If the workplace injury becomes a reason for your total or partial disability, you become entitled to weekly payments or a large lump sum payment to make up for lost wages and medical bills. Fair compensation that should be paid proves extremely expensive for insurance companies. Therefore, most companies try to use a variety of tactics to avoid paying fair compensation. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you fight for justice and recover the compensation you fairly deserve in such situations.

You Have a Pre-existing Condition

Having a pre-existing condition gives insurance carriers a reason to deny claims. If you have a pre-existing condition such as arthritis or lower bone density or have sustained an injury to the same body part that is in question before, you should contact a workers’ compensation attorney to ensure your rights are protected.

Your Injury Was a Result of Third-Party or Grave Misconduct on the Part of Your Employer

There is a possibility that a third party may contribute or be a reason for your injury at work. In such cases, your case will fall outside the scope of workers’ compensation, and you can file for a personal injury lawsuit. Other situations when you can use the option are when your employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance or the employer’s grave misconduct and intentional actions caused the accident. Again, a workers’ compensation attorney will help you understand what law applies to your case and what steps you must take.

You Plan to File for or Receive Disability Benefits

Receiving compensation under workers’ compensation can lower the social security disability insurance and long-term disability insurance benefits you receive or plan to apply for. To avoid this, you need to ensure that the settlement is structured to reduce the offset and maximize the benefits you receive. A workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure the settlement is structured so that the reductions made to the benefits are minimized.

Your Employer Pushes You to Attend a Specific Doctor or Medical Examiner

In most states, you are entitled to assessments from a panel of physicians. Although insurance companies exercise some control over the medical treatment and assessment you receive, they cannot force you to visit a particular doctor. In such situations, it is best to consult a workers’ compensation attorney to ensure you pick the best doctor from the available lot. Your employer may also push you to take an Independent Medical Examination (IME). In most cases, insurance companies have used these examinations to reduce the value of the workers’ compensation payout. A workers’ compensation attorney will see to it that you do not fall for this tactic.

You Are Entitled to a Disability Rating

After you recover from a workplace injury, you may be entitled to receive permanent or partial disability benefits. This is decided based on your disability rating. If the rating provided to you by your treating doctor is disputed by the employer’s insurance company, you need to consult a workers’ compensation attorney to see your interests are protected. As mentioned earlier, insurance companies may push you for independent medical examinations and assign a lower disability rating to create a case for a reduced compensation payout.

Your Workers’ compensation Claim Goes to Trial.

Last but not least, if you do not settle with insurance companies and your claim goes to trial before a judge, you will most certainly require a workers’ compensation attorney to defend your rights and interests in court.

Why Hiring A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Is Always Beneficial?

Why Hiring a Workers’ compensation Attorney Is Always Beneficial?

With all this being said, it is always in your best interest to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer. It is beneficial because:

  • Accepting lowball settlement offers can leave you with unpaid medical bills and hurt your credit scores.
  • Medical conditions may develop in the future.
  • Your employer may retaliate against you for filing for a workers’ compensation claim by restricting your work hours or terminating you.
  • You may undervalue your claim.

Have you suffered from a workplace injury recently or in the past? If yes, we can help you get an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer on your case. Fill in the form alongside, and we will help you find the best workers’ compensation attorney near you.

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