In What Cases Do You Need a Consumer Protection Lawyer?

In What Cases Do You Need a Consumer Protection Lawyer
In What Cases Do You Need a Consumer Protection Lawyer?
January 11th, 2021

Consumer law is nothing but the laws in place that help safeguard the interests of consumers, and a Consumer Protection Lawyer is the one who would guide you in reaping the benefits of the law. Anytime you purchase a commodity or use a service, certain laws protect you, preventing any fraudulent tactics that cause harm to consumers. Whether a business has swindled you, lost your funds to a scam, or purchased a product with a manufacturing defect, you have the right to challenge it and be recompensed, depending on the loss you incur. An experienced lawyer can help you better understand your rights and what you are entitled to as a consumer.

To know when you need a consumer protection lawyer by your side, you must first understand all the different cases and consumer laws that protect your interests as a consumer. Then, by filling the form provided here on the website, you can get in touch with a consumer protection lawyer to help you understand the nuances of consumer protection law.

While there are several consumer protection laws you need to be aware of, here are some instances to help identify when hiring a consumer protection lawyer becomes a necessity:

Debt Collection

The debtor-creditor law works as an ideal solution to make things simpler for debtors and creditors. If someone cannot pay their debt, hiring the right attorney can help get your credit extended or protect you until the debt is collected. In addition, the lawyer you choose can help guide you and the other party about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which protects both businesses and consumers.

By explaining your rights to you as a consumer, your lawyer can also help you find the right counsel to ensure good credit.

Lemon Law

The sale of faulty cars to consumers is more common than most realize. This is where the lemon law comes to be of aid. Lemons laws are laws set up that offer recompensation to customers purchasing cars or other goods that do not meet the quality standards they should. This law enables a customer to be refunded if the car purchased by them has a major defect.

If a customer has brought the car back to the dealer quite a few times to rectify the mechanical defect, they may be entitled to a replacement car through the lemon law. These laws are state-specific, making it vital for consumers to find out the existing laws in their states.

Product Liability

Every product purchased by a consumer is assumed to be safe for use or consumption and comes with a warning if necessary. The manufacturer’s responsibility is to make sure that their consumers are made aware of the possible dangers associated with using their products and cross-check everything manufactured for any defect that could lead to an injury.

If unforeseen defects cause harm, the manufacturer is still liable if proved guilty, irrespective of whether they were aware of potential malfunctioning or defect. However, with a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer or those responsible, consumers can be recompensed a settlement for the damages they incur due to the product defect.

Filing a Complaint

Hiring a consumer protection attorney

There are numerous ways in which you can file a complaint as a consumer. For example, if you have been harmed due to a faulty product, the first thing to do is file a complaint to the manufacturer or the product retailer. In case of inaction or an unsatisfactory outcome, you can go ahead and file a formal complaint.

Hiring a consumer protection attorney can work in your favor with someone experienced guiding you along the way, more so if you proceed to file a lawsuit. The lawyer will investigate the complaint and strategize a way forward that works best for you.

Complaints against Financial Service/Product Organizations

In case of complaints against a company or organization offering a financial service or product, the complaint can be registered with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This bureau makes all complaints public and sends the complaints to the company or business involved, allowing them to respond to the complaint. The bureau then forwards the response by the business to the consumer to find out if the steps to resolve are satisfactory.

The entire process takes about two weeks, with the complaint and resolution being published online at the end. If the result is unsatisfactory or there is no outcome whatsoever, the consumer can take the help of a lawyer to proceed with the next step – a lawsuit.

The Federal Trade Commission is yet another route through which consumers can file complaints in case of fraud. In addition, this trade commission identifies any trend of abuse of fraud and helps protect others from falling prey to fraudulent schemes.

Consulting an expert consumer protection lawyer can help determine the right course of action for you and help you become more aware of your rights. You can fill in the form provided here to help safeguard your rights and guide you about filing a complaint.

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